Cybersecurity failure is among the top ten global risks and one of those risks that has worsened most during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adapting quickly to new forms of human interaction and remote work came at the price of increased vulnerability to cyber threats. This rather alarming state is exacerbated by a growing skills shortage in the cybersecurity field.
Providing a cybersecure world is a crucial global challenge for the next years and to reach it, it is hugely important that we consider the bigger picture and disengage from the masculine stereotypes that have been dominant in the cybersecurity field for many years. These stereotypes affect women in cyber twofold: as victims as well as professionals.
The fifth CC-DRIVER policy brief discusses cybersecurity failing women and the lack of female cybersecurity professionals and illustrates recommendations to include women in cyber in the fields of
work environment.
Download the full brief here.
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