CC-DRIVER kicked off 6-7 May, 2020 in cyberspace.
Welcome aboard Trilateral Research LTD, F-Secure OYI, ιδρυμα τεχνολογιασ και ερευνασ (Foundation for Research and Technology), Software Imagination & Vision SRL, Ayuntamiento de Valencia (Valencia Local Police), Ministério da Justiça (Portuguese Criminal Police), Hochschule für den öffentlichen Dienst in Bayern (University of Applied Sciences for Public Services in Bavaria), Université de Lausanne (University of Lausanne), Κέντρο Μελετών Ασφαλείας (Center for Security Studies), University of East London, Information Security Forum LTD, Privanova SAS, and Ελληνική Αστυνομία (Hellenic Police).
We're happy to start working on investigating, identifying, understanding and explaining the drivers of cybercriminality.